Thursday 29 May 2008

Joey Bishop - Rat Pack Stars Lover Mounts Legal Battle

The former partner of late RAT PACK star JOEY BISHOP has mounted a legal battle against the singer's law firm and agent.

Nora Garibotti claims Bishop's law firm and his agent Ed Hookstratten revised the star's will, meaning she missed out on inheriting Bishop's home in Newport Beach, and "books, cash, furniture and other personal property", reports

She also alleges a clause was added to the will that disinherits her if she contests the will.

The suit reads, "Ms. Garibotti was a close personal friend of Joey Bishop for approximately 24 years prior to his death. For the first 16 years.... they golfed almost every day."

In 1999, at the time of Bishop's wife's death, the pair moved in together, with Bishop asking Garibotti to marry him - an offer she declined.

The suit adds, "In February, 2002, Mr. Bishop asked Ms. Garibotti to marry him, and she declined in order to avoid the publicity that she believed would interrupt their peaceful life together."

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