Thursday 29 May 2008

Joey Bishop - Rat Pack Stars Lover Mounts Legal Battle

The former partner of late RAT PACK star JOEY BISHOP has mounted a legal battle against the singer's law firm and agent.

Nora Garibotti claims Bishop's law firm and his agent Ed Hookstratten revised the star's will, meaning she missed out on inheriting Bishop's home in Newport Beach, and "books, cash, furniture and other personal property", reports

She also alleges a clause was added to the will that disinherits her if she contests the will.

The suit reads, "Ms. Garibotti was a close personal friend of Joey Bishop for approximately 24 years prior to his death. For the first 16 years.... they golfed almost every day."

In 1999, at the time of Bishop's wife's death, the pair moved in together, with Bishop asking Garibotti to marry him - an offer she declined.

The suit adds, "In February, 2002, Mr. Bishop asked Ms. Garibotti to marry him, and she declined in order to avoid the publicity that she believed would interrupt their peaceful life together."

See Also

Sunday 25 May 2008

BBC criticised for censoring Pogues classic

Kirsty MacColl's mother has described BBC Radio 1's decision to edit the words of the singer's famous Christmas hit 'Fairytale of New York' as "ridiculous".
The station opted to edit the line beginning "You scumbag, you maggot...", leaving out the word "faggot" at the end.
A BBC statement said: "Radio 1 are playing an edited version of the 'Fairytale of New York' that does not include the world 'faggot' as this is a word that members of our audience would find offensive."
A spokesperson said that the word was "faded down" on air, rather than bleeped out completely.
However, the mother of the late Kirsty MacColl, who recorded the original version of the song with The Pogues, has criticised this decision.
Referring to the song, Jean MacColl said: "These are a couple of characters. Today we have a lot of a gratuitous vulgarity and... whatever from people all over which I think is quite unnecessary. These are characters and they speak like that."
"It's absolute nonsense. Really, this is too ridiculous. Shane [MacGowan, The Pogues singer] has written the most beautiful song and these characters live, they really live, and you have such sympathy for them."
She continued: "These are a couple of characters who are not in the first flush of youth, I wouldn't have thought. They are what they are, this is the way they speak."
A spokesperson for The Pogues said: "It strikes me as very odd and I'm sure the band will be very amused."
Listen to a special programme on The Pogues' 'Fairytale of New York' here.

Russian Communists Move To Ban Indiana Jones

Members of Russia's Communist party are outraged about the group's portrayal in new movie INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL - and are calling for the film to be banned in the country.

The action blockbuster sees Cate Blanchett play the leader of a Russian communist organisation running amok in the U.S. in 1957 - and the picture has angered members of Russia's present day Communist party, who insist the movie provides an inaccurate portrayal of the political party in the 1950s.

Members of the party have spoken out against the film - insisting it will give young people a warped view of history - and called for the movie to be banned to prevent "ideological sabotage".

Communist party chief Sergei Malinkovich says, "Our movie-goers are teenagers who are completely unaware of what happened in 1957.

"They will go to the cinema and will be sure that in 1957 we made trouble for the United States and almost started a nuclear war. It's rubbish.

"In 1957 the Communist party did not run with crystal skulls throughout the U.S. Why should we agree to that sort of lie and let the West trick our youth?"

See Also

'Twilight' Rides: Meet Carlisle Cullen's Slick Mercedes -- And The Compassionate Vampire Behind the Wheel

PORTLAND, Oregon — As any true Twilighter knows, there are more characters in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling novels than merely the human and the half-dead. Several of the major movers and shakers in Forks, Washington, drive distinctive vehicles, which not only play into key segments of the story line, but also provide insights into their personalities.

For those of you who have yet to be bitten by "Twilight" but are still anticipating the December 12 movie, think about what the Millennium Falcon means to Han Solo, or how Jake and Elwood relate to the Bluesmobile. Then get ready for MTV's first "Meet the Vehicle" installment of Twilight Tuesdays, as we give you an exclusive look under the hood of Dr. Carlisle Cullen's slick ride.

"Carlisle Cullen is about 348 years old, but he doesn't look a day over 200," laughed 34-year-old Peter Facinelli, who has previously starred on TV shows like "Fastlane" and such films as "The Scorpion King." "He's started this little coven, and tries to fit in with the humans instead of living the natural, vampire world of feeding on humans. He's kind of a vegetarian with his family, and they feed on animals."

In the novels, Carlisle is the father-figure of the Cullen clan, a fiercely handsome and charismatic man trying to live in peace alongside the humans of their overcast town. As the popular local doctor, he has brought healing to many of Forks' residents. In the novel, he rides around town in a black Mercedes S55 AMG — acquired, we assume, after several decades of putting pennies is his piggy bank.

"I haven't driven the vehicle yet, but I'm about to for the first time tonight," an excited Facinelli told us a few hours before climbing behind the wheel of the car.

When we were on set, it was actually Jackson Rathbone (who plays Jasper) who spent most of the time behind the wheel of the S55, which by most estimates goes for about $150,000. Moments after the story's intense baseball-field confrontation, the Cullens split up into various vehicles, and Jasper drives Bella (Kristen Stewart) to safety in Carlisle's car. For most of the film, however, Facinelli says he'll be behind the wheel.

"He's a classy guy," he grinned, discussing his character. "He's very refined, and he likes nice toys."

Carlisle is also blessed with the ability to not be tempted by human blood — unlike Edward (Robert Pattinson), who can be driven mad by the mere scent of someone like Bella. In an interesting parallel to his compassionate care-giving toward humans, Carlisle has bitten several people during what he saw as their time of need, including Edward (who was dying of influenza at the time), Esme (after a failed suicide attempt), Rosalie (raped and left for dead) and Emmett (who was mauled by a bear). Naturally, their loyalty to Carlisle is unbreakable.

"It's not like he's a bad guy at all," explained Facinelli, saying that he's enjoyed tearing down some of the vampire stereotypes accumulated in the decades before Stephenie Meyer found herself in front of a computer. "All the people he's ever turned into vampires have been either sick or dying. I kind of thought I was doing them a favor by giving them the gift of immortality."

In 225 days, Facinelli and friends will do a favor for Twilighters worldwide, unveiling their higher-than-highly anticipated feature film. In the meantime, all we can do is gawk at Carlisle's Mercedes, and wish time would move as fast as it can.

Every Tuesday is "Twilight Tuesday" here at MTV News! Check back here each and every week for the hottest scoop on the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's beloved vampire series, and we'll still bring you breaking "Twilight" news throughout the rest of the week. And make sure you check out the MTV Movies Blog for our ongoing "Twilight" discussions each and every day.

Check out everything we've got on "Twilight."

For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit

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Lindsay Lohan - Dina Lohan Lindsays Problems Arent My Fault

LINDSAY LOHAN's mother DINA shouldn't be blamed for the actress' personal problems, the 45-year-old showbiz mum insists.

The 21-year-old is trying to rebuild her Hollywood career after a disastrous 2007, dominated by two arrests for driving under the influence, rehab time and an 84-minute jail spell.

And Dina insists Lindsay must accept full responsibility for her actions.

She says, "She's 21 years old. We all make mistakes. It's not a blame game. It's not her mum's fault or her friends' fault It's the general personal choices you make. And you have to be careful about the choices you make when you're in the public eye."

See Also

Avril Lavigne Can't Sing...For Now

Avril LavigneThe Best Damn Tour? Fans are going to have reserve judgment.
In news that will undoubtedly hearten Hilary Duff, rival Avril Lavigne has been rendered speechless after coming down with...

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